One of the great features with this site is that you can log in with your Facebook user ID and password. No need to register with yet another website! You can also post your comments on this site to your Facebook news stream, if you would like. You can see a list of your Facebook friends and their current status. You can easily invite your friends to check out our website as well. New! Now see your whole Facebook friend activity (news) stream!
We plan to add even more Facebook functionality and also add similar features for Twitter, MySpace, and other social networking sites. is owned by Tim Nicholson and builds socially-connected applications and websites to keep you connected to the people that matter most in your life. This site encompasses all of our internet projects, such as our various Facebook applications and websites.
Our Facebook Applications
My Greetings (formerly WallPoke) allows you to do things to your friends, such as send them a drink, tell them you love them, or cheer on your favorite sports team with various icons. You can also post your mood or your favorite team to your own profile. Currently there are over 400 different greetings icons/actions that you can send to your friends, including smilies, love, holiday greetings, birthday, drinks, cute critters, all major NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, and NCAA team logos, and many more!
My Info (formerly My Profile Box) lets you place any HTML on your Wall or Boxes tab. It even lets you place it on its own dedicated tab. It fully supports the new Facebook profile layout. Cut and paste code snippets from various websites to spruce up your Facebook profile!
My Status shows you all your past Facebook and Twitter status updates and easily lets you update your status on both Facebook and Twitter. It also shows your Twitter friend updates, the public timeline, etc. It fully supports the new Facebook profile layout for placing a box with your recent status updates on your Wall.
Our Websites is a site dedicated to publishing useful news and information about Palm-Powered handhelds from all device manufacturers. It is a community-based site where users and casual readers alike are encouraged to participate in discussions and surveys, comment and rate articles, and submit news, software, Palm links, etc. is a comprehensive site index of PDA-friendly websites, covering email, entertainment, finance, news, PDA’s, portals, reference, shopping, sports, tech, travel, and more. It is easy to use and optimized for mobile devices with limited screen space and limited bandwidth connections. The site is designed specifically for Palm PDA’s, Pocket PC’s, and cell phones.