Flat Blocks Classic WordPress Theme
Full Site Editing (FSE)
Easily swap out the header, footer, and blog layouts or make whatever specific changes you want to anything on your site

Classic Style
Pages and posts have sidebars that can be optionally removed
Source Serif Pro and Source Sans Pro fonts
Flat Blocks Classic is a Child Theme of Flat Blocks that has a more “classic” WordPress layout with right sidebars. There are Templates included to remove the sidebar on posts and pages, so you can mix and match layouts.
It includes abbreviated page excerpts in the Page Titles too as a nice touch to allow you to better describe your content pages.
It also includes site contents (Pages List block) and category cloud and tag cloud in the sidebar to make it easy for users to get to the articles on your site that they are most interested in.
You can download the Flat Blocks Classic theme from WordPress.org.